bitforms gallery, New York
Björn Schülke
Vision Machine #8
Brass, steel, wood, mirrors, paint, camera, display, sensor, electronics
16 x 12 x 14 inches
Shipping Location: New York, NY
'Vision Machine #8' is among a series of work that recollects the technological inventions in Raumpatrouille Orion, or Space Patrol Orion, the first German science fiction television series aired in...
"Vision Machine #8" is among a series of work that recollects the technological inventions in Raumpatrouille Orion, or Space Patrol Orion, the first German science fiction television series aired in 1966. It was created using materials and methods more typical to industrial design than sculpture; it is a pseudo-scientific tool made with outright precision, yet entirely futile in function. As "Vision Machine #8" collects energy from the surrounding environment, its propellers unexpectedly spin, lending it an anthropomorphic, whimsical quality despite its machine-like, dystopian aesthetic.